Benefits of Reading Manzil.
Manzil prayers are a collection of verses and short Surahs taken from the Quran which are practiced as a remedy for protection and antidote. The manzil prayer may be used for protection from several factors which include ruqya from black magic, jinn, witchcraft, sihr, sorcery, evil eye, and so forth. It gives a person protection from various other harmful and evil forces. The manzil prayer is endorsed to be perused one or three times in one sitting. This has to be performed more than one time. Ideally, it should be recited once in the morning and once at night. This dua is the best cure for magic and evil effects. This dua is also very beneficial for curing any kind of sickness or ailment.
In the tradition of Prophet Muhammad SAW, he himself was attacked by evil spells cast by sorcerers. However, he revoked their effect through the recitation of the verses of the Qur’an. As indicated by different traditions, distinctive parts of the Qur’an are depicted to positively affect a person in terms of negating and eliminating the effects of witchcraft, or for general prosperity and improving as a practicing Muslim. There are several benefits of reciting the Manzil prayer. You will be safe from all the evil forces which dwell and none of them can harm you or your loved ones. The manzil dua may be used for many other purposes as well.
The famous Muslim scholar of the India-Pakistan sub-mainland Maulana Mohammad Zakariya Ra gathered these verses in a book structure, which were at that point being used in his family as an antidote to evil forces and witchcraft. This collection is famously alluded to as manzil and is used as manzil dua.
The main purpose for using manzil dua is for protection. In life, a very important thing we all require is protection and safety. Unless we are protected, we are never totally safe and anything can happen anytime that can affect us or threaten our safety. In spite of possessing wealth, family, and happiness, protection is really important. There may be chances that the devil or shaitan may possess you and play tricks with you. You can also be under the possession of the jinn. There so so many dangers all around us and we cannot escape the prying shaitan or the evil jinn and other dangerous forces. It is impossible to make yourself safe from these forces by yourself, as they may attack you at any moment. You will not even know when you are being possessed, but you will experience great harm and ill effects in your everyday life. In order to protect yourself from any kind of evil force in life, you should start reciting the manzil dua for protection. This dua is a very effective method to ensure that all evil forces keep away from you and that you stay protected.